Laser eye color change in USA
Surprisingly, this laser treatment causes a natural physiological and biological change in the iris’ melanin pigments. Basically, this laser only targets the melanin pigment tissues and protects the other tissues of the eye. Thus, your eye color begins to change permanently and safely. Moreover, this treatment, called “Lumineyes,” works at a special wavelength and does not harm the vital areas of your eyes. “Lumineyes” is not a surgery but a non-invasive and effective treatment method. In short, the “non-surgical My Lumineyes permanent eye color change” procedure effectively enables you to have colored eyes by activating the body’s natural immune mechanisms.
Improved versions of the Lumineyes treatment, “Mylumineyes” and “Mylumineyes Xtra,” have eliminated almost all the risks that may develop during and after eye color change surgery. Thanks to these two methods, eye color change surgery has now been made both effective and safe. We often hear, “Can eye color change?”

Can your eyes change color safely by Surgery?
Absolutely yes. Let’s Talk Briefly About Them: First and safest is “permanent eye color change surgery with My lumineyes” by 8G laser. Secondly, through surgery with a method called “keratopigmentation or corneal tattooing.” Third, you can change the color of your eyes with iris implant surgery. Fourth, there’s the ineffective but now popular “eye color changing drops” method. Obviously, among these methods, the “laser method” is the best in terms of both effectiveness and safety. The laser does not require any surgical procedures to achieve “permanent eye color change.” Moreover, it is undeniable that the only method that gives natural results is “Mylumineyes.”
After “laser eye color change surgery” was started by Dr.Mete in Turkey, similar application trials started in various parts of the world. But none of them can take the place of the original. We would like to remind you that the only treatment method in the world for complete, sectoral, or central heterochromia is laser.
Finally, Dr. Mete, who is the inventor of the “laser eye color change-Lumineyes,” says that the new “Mylumineyes Xtra” is more effective than the previous version. With the new “Mylumineyes Xtra,” you can change the color of your eyes quickly and easily. Another thing that makes it special is that it works very well on dark eyes that have never worked before.
Permanent Eye Color Change Surgery Costs in Turkey
“What about permanent eye color change costs? When the costs of these three methods are compared, the cost of changing eye color is nearly equivalent. Basically, depending on the license of the clinic and the experience of the doctor, they cost about 3500–7500 euros. You can check this website for permanent eye color change costs and prices in our trusted clinic in Istanbul, Turkey. Can eyes change color effectively at a cost? Surely, Mylumineyes laser eye color change will justify the costs.
Moreover, the “8G Mylumineyes laser” we use during this procedure is the best for iris eye lightening. It does not harm other tissues. The great thing is that this unique laser we use does not affect any tissue other than the melanin cells in the iris. I think you have probably noticed how important this is. However, it is not possible to say the same for keratopigmentation or iris implant surgery-Brightocular.
How to change your eye color naturally with food at home?
Surprisingly, it is claimed that some foods can change eye color. Minerals such as zinc and magnesium have a high effect on this. There are those who believe that ginger, which has numerous benefits, can change the color of their eyes when consumed regularly. In short, changing eye color with food seems like just a fairy tale.
Melanin density is greatly reduced when laser treatment is used for “Iris Stroma Eye Color Change.”
The greatest option right now is to lighten the iris stroma surface using the “MyLumineyes permanent eye color change procedure.”
Eye Color Change Surgery Clinic Near You
There are numerous methods for changing the color of your eyes. The most common are laser eye color change surgery, kerato pigmentation, and eye implant surgical procedure (brightocular). Among them, only changing the color of the eyes with a laser creates a natural appearance. You can achieve very rare colors that no one else has by using the “Mylumineyes eye color change laser method.” And the color is entirely natural. We strongly advise Turkey for Nearby Eye Color Change Surgery Clinic. In the United States, we do not offer eye color change. Similarly, eye color change is not yet available in Canada. As a result, we will continue to offer you eye color change surgery in Turkey.
For “can your eye change color naturally” FAQ follow here.
Can Latisse eye drops extend my lashes or change the color of your eyes?
In fact, Prostaglandin compounds “Latisse” in eye drops can cause pigment cells in the iris to produce higher pigmentation. Because of the high concentration of iris pigments, people with light-colored eyes, like blue eye color or green eyes , may notice that their eyes darken. Shortly, These drops have opposite effect to eye colors.
We started the first “Laser eye color change surgery” processes in the world 13 years ago.
During this time, we undoubtedly improved and perfected the “Lumineyes” method. The laser systems used with “lumineyes” focus on melanin cells in particular. It is extremely gentle on the eye’s vital areas. During laser shots, the cells in the iris layer that are important for color are not targeted. As I noted previously, this technology is one-of-a-kind and the result of years of research. For example, with “Mylumineyes Xtra,” the most recent version of the Lumineyes laser technique, the best eye color changing results are obtained in significantly less time.
Dr. Mete, without a doubt, does not tend to support these surgical methods due to the high risks and unsatisfactory results.
Now with “Mylumineyes Xtra“, it is now available for dark brown eyes.
Above all, permanent eye color change surgery costs vary according to the quality of the clinic and doctor. Despite everything, we can say that we offer the cheapest rates for the quality and safe service we provide.
“Mylumineyes Xtra” is a method with a fast response in 5-7 days for especially unsuccessful and unsatisfactory results.
In fact, another issue that changes the cost is the degree of darkness of your natural eye color before the laser and the conditions that create additional difficulties. As a result, the “Mylumineyes laser” is the only safe way to change the color of your eyes. Accordingly, we have given the answer to the question of how you can change your eye color safely. The primary goal of laser treatment is to thin the layer of the iris that contains melanin pigments. Basically, the new “Mylumineyes Xtra” can change the color of eyes, even dark browns, effectively and safely.
Can eye color changing drops really function properly?
How does a drop affect the color of your eyes naturally? Unfortunately, none of this appears to be true. We would like to discuss “permanent eye color changing drops” because they are also popular these days. Are color-changing eye drops a utopian fantasy or do they actually change the color of your eyes? In summary, we would like to point out that these drops can not change the color of the eyes. On the contrary, they can cause significant problems or risks in the eye. The dangers of these permanent eye color changing drops were markedly demonstrated previously on our website. Check please.