Changing eye color surgery laser costs near USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and France

Would you rather have hazel eyes than brown ones? Exists a practical and safe way for changing the color of your eyes? Exist any surprising findings? Naturally, there are chances that you will run across dangerous circumstances and unexpected outcomes. That is the reason we are writing this manual for you. Another often asked question is: While it is said that foods, drops, nutrition, or biokinesis can change eye color, these are utopias.

In this article, we will talk about all eye color-changing procedures or methods that claim to change eye color. There are four different types of methods possible to change your eye color permanently. 

Methods for changing eye color with surgery include keratopigmentation, iris implants, laser eye color change without surgery treatments, and colored contact lenses. 

What makes eye-color-changing procedures distinct from one another? We have explained why Lumineyes is the best option to change your eye color compared to other surgical and non-surgical methods.

how to change your eye color naturally | changing eye color surgery

Let’s start by discussing how common and risk-free eye color surgery is.

You can change your eye color using four primary methods, but it’s important to be aware of certain myths. We can do a side-by-side comparison of these methods right here, if you wish. All the methods mentioned have their perks and downsides. Be aware that one of these strategies will dominate almost every topic. And there is no question that it is the best.

In the first place, you’ll need a healthy body and eye structure to make a long-term change to your eye color. After all, we’re talking about a surgical procedure, and we hope the patient wakes up in perfect condition.

How Can You Change Your Eye Color?-Can eyes change color, with or without surgery?

There are various eye-color-changing surgical procedures available to meet your specific requirements.

1. implanting a lens on the iris-artifical iris implantation surgery
2. Giving a dye inside of cornea-Keratopigmentation surgery
3. Non-surgical laser procedure-Lumineyes

Fundamentally, eye-color-changing surgery uses surgical techniques to change a person’s eye color. Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of surgeries changing eye color.

Implanting a lens on the iris

Your eyes’ color may change following an artificial iris implant treatment. An iris implant involves the insertion of a silicone lens into the iris, which is the pigmented layer of the eye responsible for its color. This method has the capacity to generate an artificial eye color in individuals. Contrary to popular belief, this procedure, like keratopigmentation, has a long history.

Repairing congenital and posttraumatic iris impairments sometimes requires iris implant surgery. Although this therapy is less invasive than laser treatment, we have decided against it for the time being. The therapy is characterized by its artificial appearance, numerous complications, and unsatisfactory outcomes. 

Media efforts tied to social networks and indirect support from celebrities who profit from the installation of colored iris implants for cosmetic purposes are effective, although scientific research has demonstrated they are harmless. A few instances document severe problems. Furthermore, BrightOcular boasts on his website that his operation is “quick, safe, and painless,” yet there is no evidence to back up these claims.

So how can a person who has had iris implant surgery safely eliminate this problem?

This requires immediate surgical removal of the artificial iris implant. As time goes by, uveitis, corneal damage, glaucoma, etc. Eye disorders such as these increase further and may lead to the patient becoming blind. If you have had an iris implant and are still waiting, you are at great risk. As a result, even if you have not experienced any problems so far, you can always write to us and request the removal of these implants. It’s important to keep in mind that the longer you wait, the more complicated the adhesion, the procedure, and the consequences.

Dr. Mustafa Mete possesses a wealth of experience in the removal of iris implants.

If you act early, Dr.Mustafa Mete can easily remove these silicone iris implants. This way, you eliminate a big risk. Using surgical scissors, Dr. Mete carefully cuts out the implant inside the eye by making a small corneal incision 3.2 to 3.3 mm long. Due to its flexibility, Dr. Mete can easily remove the implant with a micro incision. Recent advancements in implant technology have facilitated the development of a new class of back-supported cosmetic iris implants. This implant will facilitate aqueous humor flow and reduce iris contact. A number of countries have authorized the sale of cosmetic implants.

However, these implants have been known to cause ocular problems in several cases. Changing eye color permanently with laser surgery is the safest way.

Changing eye color surgery-Laser eye color change procedure

Best option for changing eye color is using a laser. The laser technique eliminates the need for cutting or stapling. It is inevitable that this will result in a diverse array of advantageous consequences. The process involves using a low-energy laser to eliminate pigmentation from the stroma, that is the intricate tissue layer located in the iris where the operation will be performed. The process operates on the assumption that brown eyes have a greater amount of pigment compared to blue eyes.

Therefore, by eliminating a sufficient amount of pigment, individuals may get blue, gray, or green eyes. The Lumineyes eye color change surgery, performed using laser technology, is completely devoid of discomfort and does not need any postoperative healing period. The final outcomes often need around 4 months to manifest as the pigmented area treated with laser gradually fades, ultimately displaying the desired blue or green shade.


Various risks may occur after laser eye color changing surgery performed in non-professional clinics. To summarize these;


4-corneal damage
5-iris atrophy
6-decrease in vision
7-heat sensitivity
8-pupil shape disorders
9-posterior or anterior synechiae
10-closed angle glaucoma crisis

The Mylumineyes laser eye color change process is an advanced technique to change the eye color.

Additionally, having an experienced eye doctor is crucial. Clinics that perform “changing eye color surgery” must maintain optimal conditions for all of these critical factors. Until a more effective method emerges, Lumineyes remains the most effective and secure method for changing eye color. You can employ the Mylumineyes eye color change laser surgery to transform your brown or dark eyes into blue, green, gray, hazel, or any other milder shade. It guarantees a secure and reliable application. Customized mapping and parameter modifications are the distinguishing features of the mylumineyes laser type.

While selecting the most appropriate program for you, Dr. Mustafa Mete, the inventor of secure eye color change surgery, safeguards your ocular health. Combining technology, talent, and experience will undoubtedly result in exceptional outcomes. 

Although the costs of eye color change surgery are an important issue, do not forget that your eye health is much more important. To protect your eye health, you must, without a doubt, carefully select your eye doctor. Consequently, you may suffer significant harm. For patients, reviews for laser eye color change surgery are critical. That is why we recommend checking other posts for changing eye color surgery reviews.

The Mylumineyes laser eye color change process is an advanced technique to change the eye color.

  • Additionally, having an experienced eye doctor is crucial. Clinics that perform “changing eye color surgery” must maintain optimal conditions for all of these critical factors.
  • Until a more effective method emerges, Lumineyes remains the most effective and secure method for changing eye color. You can employ the Mylumineyes eye color change laser surgery to transform your brown or dark eyes into blue, green, gray, hazel, or any other milder shade. It guarantees a secure and reliable application. Customized mapping and parameter modifications are the distinguishing features of the mylumineyes laser type.
  • While selecting the most appropriate program for you, Dr. Mustafa Mete, the inventor of secure eye color change surgery, safeguards your ocular health. Combining technology, talent, and experience will undoubtedly result in exceptional outcomes.
  • Although the costs of eye color change surgery are an important issue, do not forget that your eye health is much more important. To protect your eye health, you must, without a doubt, carefully select your eye doctor. Consequently, you may suffer significant harm.
  • For patients, reviews for laser eye color change surgery are critical. That is why we recommend checking other posts for changing eye color surgery reviews.

“Where can I change my eye color?” I’ve wondered.

We know you are asking about the most suitable place to change your eye color. To do this, you must first find an experienced doctor who performs this surgery, and then the second step is to identify a reliable and high-tech eye color change center. The third question is whether surgery or laser eye color change is more logical. Lumineyes Turkey is the world’s only clinic where you can perform all of these procedures safely and healthily.

Did you know that the iris is actually colorless?

Colored eyes, in fact, lack melanin. Melanin concentration is the primary determinant of eye color. Brown-eyed individuals have a gene in the front iris that allows pigment to accumulate in the same area, making the eye appear brown. Compared to blue eyes, brown eyes are less reflective.

People with blue eyes usually have less melanin in the outermost layer of their irises. His eyes appear blue because of the way light enters the room. Therefore, your eyes only see shades of brown and gray; the iris disperses the blues. As a result, the iris appears blue because blue is the most strongly reflected color.

Gray and green are the rarest and most attractive eye colors. Lighter eyes are more susceptible to light sensitivity than brown eyes, given their greater exposure to light. To protect their well-being, you must take precautions.

can you change your eyes color

There are issues with the surgery to change eye color.

You run into danger when changing your eye color; therefore, it’s best to get professional assistance. It requires a lot of experience, even though it is less dangerous than eye surgery.

Only after a thorough assessment should you use a laser. Your ophthalmologist should carefully examine your eyes. It matters a lot how selective and capable the laser is. Our most advanced medical laser model is now in production.

We developed this technique, for which we have considerable clinical experience. Untrained staff administering laser treatments can lead to the following complications:

  1. iridocyclitis
  2. The visual system of the eye may suffer from glaucoma, cataracts, or other persistent damage.
  3. Uveitis is the term for an inflammation of the eyes.
  4. scarred cornea,
  5. visual loss
  6. floating in the eyes
The eye-color change process is a serious job. First and foremost, what are the risks associated with eye color change surgery? How dangerous is it to change the color of your eyes? To sum up, as we shall see in the next sections, there are risks associated with this surgery.

Moreover, it is obvious that not every physician is qualified to carry out eye color change surgery. You must take these actions if you have decided to change the color of your eyes.

  1. First off, the risks associated with eye color surgery arise after the procedure, especially in risky locations.
  2. Secondly, there are clinics that attempt to alter the color of the eyes without any prior experience.
  3. The use of lasers and other equipment inappropriate for this procedure ranks third.

If all conditions and experiences are perfect, surgery carries no danger. What are the risks associated with changing your eyes’ color? Among the conditions are iris shrinkage, cataracts, korneal damage, pigment dispersion syndrome, and glaucoma. The effects of surgery, such as blindness and irreversible vision loss, become much more serious when we take into account the changes in eye color.

If you have any of the following conditions, you should not undergo “eye color change surgery.”

  • Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes In patients with angle-related glaucoma, both closed and open (i.e., those who have eye pressure)
  • Iridocyclitis causes uveitis in some people.
  • Patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • “Iris-deficient” refers to people who are born without an iris.
  • individuals with undiagnosed systemic disease
  • People with high expectations
  • illnesses that impact the entire body, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  • Alternatively, patients with a psychosocial disorder who take certain drugs may leave deposits in the retina or cornea.

grade3 eyes brown green eye color change

before and after eye color change photo

Are there any risks involved with changing the color of my eyes?

How are eyes colored? What risks come with surgery to change your eyes’ color? If performed by an unskilled surgeon, eye color-changing surgery carries risk. What are the main hazards associated with changing your eyes’ color? The following sections will reveal the risks associated with this method.

If you want to change your eye color safely, follow these steps:

Following the procedure, issues with laser eye color surgery often arise, especially in high-risk situations. Second, clinics attempt to change a person’s eye color without prior notice. Third, would this procedure change your eye color even with the wrong laser and equipment? Your biggest mistake may be wanting to turn your eyes hazel! Lasers are safe if all conditions and experience are perfect, your DNA structure is acceptable, and you use the best settings.

  1. It is not very easy for aqueous humor drainage tubes to catch spilled colors. Overworking or depigmentation occurs too quickly, resulting in canal collapse.
  2. Eye color change professionals with little experience run the risk of causing iris atrophy, cataracts, corneal damage, and glaucoma! Take caution; ineffective laser treatments might seriously harm your eyes.
  3. Do a basic investigation on phony doctors, health facilities, businesses without addresses, and unidentified businesses and clinics.

What is the safety of laser eye color change?

Laser eye color change surgery, performed by a professional ophthalmologist using the Lumineyes method and the Lumineyes 8G laser, is dozens of times safer than Lasik or cataract surgery!
The risks associated with iris implant or keratigmentation surgeries, which are invasive methods rather than lasers, are much more serious and include blindness and irreversible vision loss. In this case, “Lumineyes laser eye color change” is the gold standard! It is almost certain that uncontrolled and unqualified institutions performing eye color-changing procedures will cause long-term problems and risks to the eyes!

Which eye-color change surgery is safer? The doctor with the most success

However, on these dates, many people are researching eye color change surgeries. Are you uncertain about which clinic offers the safest and best eye color change surgery? Which price is cheaper? Which country is the best for safe eye color-changing surgery? Is the doctor the best choice for changing eye color? Is it really safe or not? After 10 sessions of the MyLumineyes® eye color change operation, brown pigmentation turns blue easily and quickly, as shown in the picture above.

 Dr. Mustafa Mete is the world’s inventor of changing eye color with a laser. 

He has many years of experience in this field. People are also asking about cheap, underground clinics that thrive all over the world. Our experience and opinions show that unknown doctors really pose a significant risk to your eye health. 

Ophthalmology is a significant field, in particular, and it is a very special field. Before deciding on this procedure, we recommend people do research on the best eye color change doctor and clinic. You should take “Change eye color” seriously.

How to Select the Appropriate Eye Surgeon for You Based on These Reviews?

Eye color change surgery reviews are important. Despite our extensive use of this method, some individuals are still unfamiliar with it.

We’d like to point out that this eye color change surgery laser near me review site actually reveals a lot. Another common inquiry concerns the effectiveness of eye color-changing drops.  On the contrary, they are harmful.

The cost of eye-color-changing surgery is also significant. People’s confusion is understandable given the employment of three distinct techniques.

Costs are variable. So, what should we do now? As we have previously explained, “Lumineyes laser eye color change” is a significantly superior method compared to any eye color change surgeries. We strongly advise you to use this procedure (Lumineyes) if you want to change the color of your eyes naturally and safely.

Can eyes change color naturally?

Actually, no. Like hair and skin color, eye color is a genetic trait. Altering the genetic coding or cell structure is necessary for long-lasting change to occur without resorting to surgery. The iris is a colored muscle ring that frames the pupil.

The concentration of melanin inside the iris determines the color of the iris. Three different genes control the pigmentation of your eyes. Researchers have uncovered the genetic basis behind eye color variation. How individuals come up with less common colors like hazel and gray is still a mystery. The iris is in charge of color perception in your eyes.

Basically, you cannot change your eye color from brown to hazel by yourself at home!

This muscle, which can both lengthen and shorten, controls how large or small the pupil becomes. Pupils widen in low light and narrow in bright conditions. It also adapts to your activity, shrinking when you need it closest to you, such as while reading. When the pupil dilates or constricts, the iris’ pigments either condense or spread out. The effect on eye color is subtle yet noticeable. Some emotions cause a reduction in pupil size, which in turn alters the iris’s ability to diffuse its color as well as the color of the eye itself.

Does eye color change occur due to diet?

Avoid deceiving yourself into thinking that certain diets, foods or eye treatments can change the color of your eyes. It basically comes down to three methods for changing the color of your eyes. Depending on the available technology, you can change your eye color in various ways. You may do this in one of three basic ways. You can opt for iris implantation, ablative laser treatment, or keratopigmentation. The goal is to transform brown eyes into blue, gray, or green ones.

There are various ” Eye Color Change Surgery” options out there, but only laser treatment gives your eyes a more natural appearance. All three methods may permanently alter eye color, but only the laser change is safe and non-invasive. Those with vivid eye colors tend to be more certain of their own merits. Still, do you think food can change your eye color to hazel?

Do people with different eye colors put themselves in greater danger? 

Without the protective melanin pigment, those with colored eyes (such as hazel or green) are more vulnerable to the sun’s harmful UV radiation. Light-colored eyes, such as grey eyes or blue or amber eyes, are more susceptible to harm. If you’re not wearing sunglasses, UV radiation from the sun may damage your eyes. 

Gray eyes, green eyes, and hazel eyes are among the rarest eye colors, making those with them highly sought-after. However, you should be aware that colored eyes are the result of a mutation. However, it has no negative impact on eye health.

eye color change reviews safest laser technology
best eye color change surgery center or clinic= Mylumineyes

How to Select the Correct Color Change Method and Different Types of Eye Color Change Surgery

Lumineyes’ 8G laser has the highest technology because it works exclusively on the melanin layer. It is both safe and advantageous to the ophthalmologist and the patient. We have previously listed many factors for the correct eye color change method. You can easily make the right choice by researching your doctor and your methods. We have previously reviewed eye-color-changing drops. We have conclusively shown that these drops have no effect on eye color.

On the other hand, he also told you how harmful these drops can be. In Lumineyes laser eye color change surgery, you cannot choose the final color, such as blue or hazel, but with the new Lumineyes Xtra, final color selection is partially possible.

I am searching for the best doctor and clinic nearby.

How to Choose the Best Eye Doctor Near You for Your Eye Color Surgery Is Required? Is it possible to undergo laser treatment within 1-2 years at a facility that makes such claims? Why are eye color changes rarely used or used cautiously? Only doctors with extensive experience can perform this laser procedure. Moreover, this corresponds to decades.

Unfortunately, untrue comments and manipulations lead people to the wrong places. Except for a few exceptional cases, you cannot change the eye color from dark brown to blue miraculously in a short time. Do not believe in such fake news. These days, there are more and more fake brokerage firms and fake doctors, which is sad. They collaborate with various organizations and provide dispute resolution services. Surprisingly, you can’t find a doctor’s name on their site. Doing so will reveal that no doctor has that name.

  • Conduct an online search for your doctor’s medical history.
  • Identify the hospitals where he works.
  • Is there any generic research on ophthalmology?
  • Does he perform any other procedures?
  • If the problem does arise, do they have the skills to fix it?
  • Has anyone seen him? (Examine media files.)
  • Does the website from which you get information offer or accept commissions? Is this the doctor’s original website?
  • How much trust does the physician’s medical history inspire?

Choosing the right doctor is critical. What could be more important than your eyes? You should protect your eyes from harm.

In conclusion, an 8G Lumineyes laser is required for a risk-free and comfortable eye color alteration. Additionally, finding a historical location, a qualified doctor, and a clinic with the necessary licensing is not difficult. Please research your doctor’s education and work history.

There is an unchanging rule in medical science: a competent doctor is the one who has the ability to solve a problem when it appears. In short, when things are simple and routine, everyone considers themselves successful. Finally, we’d like to emphasize that the mylumineyes method is the safest method for changing eye color.

MYLumineyes Turkey® It is a safe, successful, ethical, and experienced clinic under Mustafa Mete’s management. We don’t sell dreams; we offer reality and real science.

After a few hours of flight, you can change your eye color at the nearest laser eye clinic. Isn’t it worth the flight for a few hours for an event that can change your life completely? Istanbul is a few hours’ flight away, and this city offers you many possibilities. First of all, the eye color change clinic in Istanbul promises you a safe and natural eye color change. 

Is it possible to undergo eye color change surgery in the United States, Europe, Dubai, Canada, or Australia? There is not yet a clinic for changing your eye color in the United States. However, we are seeking a California clinic as soon as possible. Also, such initiatives have not yet started in Australia, America, Canada, Europe, and Dubai.

How much does eye-color-changing surgery cost?

The surgeries used for eye color change start at 3500–7500 euros. Moreover, these prices will increase depending on the type of demand. The procedure for changing the color of one’s eyes is quite costly. Individuals may jeopardize their eye health by undergoing inexpensive procedures in substandard and illegal settings. As you know, many people are looking for a laser eye color change process that will provide them with the best results, safety, and trustworthiness without risking their eye health.

The clinic’s laser quality, among other factors, influences the price of eye color change. 

In short, the iris color change procedure ranges in price from $3,000 to $8,000 USD. Regrettably, numerous websites have sprung up on the internet, deceiving people with their low-priced offers. Additionally, individuals who change their eye color in such unauthorized places often experience eye health issues. These websites are known for earning commissions and directing visitors.

Our clinic charges affordable prices for laser eye color change. In terms of cost performance, we definitely offer the most affordable prices. Please write to us for the price of the best laser treatment in Turkey. Prices for permanent changes to eye color are variable on a number of websites. You should investigate the potential risks of the procedure and the top doctors before opting to change the color of your eyes. It would be best for you to stay away from amateur places that have recently opened.

As a result, it is not difficult to develop a logical argument like this. Is it more trustworthy to have a process done without touching your eye, or a procedure done through contact or surgery?

Of course, non-invasive procedures are much safer and superior to surgical methods. For this reason, a laser procedure for changing eye color would be a more logical choice, instead of surgeries. It is a reality that the “healthy eye color change,” which we viewed as a mere fantasy years ago, has been achievable for a long time. Dr. Mete, the pioneer in near-vision corneal implant surgery, seems to have done a fantastic job.

The Mylumineyes laser eye change procedure has undoubtedly marked a breakthrough in aesthetic eye operations.


eye color change surgery photo before and after



In Turkey, it is possible to change eye color with a laser.

Only when it is safe to do so and beneficial results are possible should you change the color of your eyes. The 10-day regimen that we’ve been using for years has caught on like wildfire. And now, in as little as 5–7 days, we may see a more beneficial and quicker outcome. Of course, there will be exceptions. Changing your eye color permanently is, without a doubt, a major surgical procedure.

We are taking this matter seriously. It’s also noteworthy that anybody, with or without prior understanding of the technique, may make educated guesses. 

We believe it’s important to emphasize the extreme security of Mylumineyes. 

In the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of discomfort, you may change the natural hue of your eyes. Rapid changes in eye color don’t explain everything. However, it is remarkable that textures remain intact despite rapid shifts in eye color. Keratopigmentation, in contrast to laser treatment, is associated with a high incidence of negative outcomes and unhappy patients.

It is surprising to learn that surgery is required. Moreover, the final outcome of corneal tattooing is artificial. Regardless, the results are artificially produced. Furthermore, laser keratopigmentation surgery, which alters the color of the eyes, has the potential to cause astigmatism.

Eye color change procedures using corneal tattooing include a possible risk of corneal damage. An infection following surgery is not unheard of. Sometimes this complicates corneal flap surgery. Eye color alteration procedures involving corneal tattoos run the risk of making vision issues worse.

This iris-friendly laser (Lumineyes 8G) can easily change your eye color from brown to the most attractive eye color, blue or green.

Right now, the best way to change your eyes’ color with a laser only works in Turkey. In Turkey, the laser eye color-changing center uses safe technology to identify pigments. This laser also has the most cutting-edge technology ever made. This safe laser, known as the 8G laser, alters the color of your eyes. It only affects melanin cells.

Of course, not only the laser but also Dr. Mete’s unique method will play a role here. The procedure for changing one’s eye color does not involve surgery or physical contact with the eyes.

Thus, we have the opportunity to change the color of your eyes without causing any permanent trauma to them.

Llumineyes is the most effective and safest laser procedure for changing the color of the eyes. It does not alter the curvature of your cornea or your eye number. After Lumineyes procedure, a light eye color softens your appearance and increases your overall attractiveness. Surely, one of the most common desires is to have blue-green eyes. And now it is in your hands.

“Lumineyes Xtra” doubles the safety features.

Mylumineyes offers highly safe laser eye color change procedures for you. The “8G Lumineyes” laser detects only melanin pigments thats why it is the safest way to change your eye color. Another virtue of this laser is that it does not harm healthy tissues. “Lumineyes laser eye color change” is fairly safe if you meet the requirements. A laser might help us avoid the risks associated with eye color change surgery.

We have written you a guide to help you get results faster and keep your eyes healthy. After Lumineyes procedure, you can go back to work the next day. It doesn’t get in the way of your daily life. after the Procedure for changing eye color with Lumineyes laser not need a recovery time for your health. Doesn’t this make you feel how safe lumineyes is?

Why do people want to change their eye color?

Some people with brown eyes want to have green, hazel, or blue eyes. It is now possible for these people to achieve their dreams.

Are color-changing drops effective?

The use of eye drops to produce a blue,green,hazel hue is another topic for debate. This approach is useless and dangerous, in our opinion. It is not true that drops can change eye color!
