Eye Color Change Risks and Safe Eye Color Change Naturally

Eye Color Change Surgery Risks and Safe Eye Color Change Naturally

First of all, what are the risks of eye color change? Let’s examine how safe eye color change surgery? is.In short, as we mentioned in the following sections, this procedure has its own risks. Moreover, it is certain that not every doctor can perform eye color change surgery. So, if you have decided to change your eye color, you must follow these instructions. Firstly,the risks of eye color surgery occur after the procedure, especially in unsafe places.Secondly, Clinics that try to change eye color without any experience. Thirdly,use of laser and equipment that are not suitable for this procedure. Eye color change Surgery is safe if all conditions and experience are perfect. Allright,what are the risks of changing your eye color? Briefly, glaucoma, iridocyclitis, cataracts, korneal damage, and iris atrophy. If we include the eye color changes made with surgery, the complications will reach much more serious dimensions, such as blindness and permanent vision loss.

Unauthorized and inexperienced centers performing eye color changing procedures will almost certainly result in long-term eye problems and Risks!

with lumineyes eye color change surgery there is no risk!
with lumineyes eye color change surgery there is no risk!

What are the risks of changing your eye color ?

The Eye’s Anatomy Aqueous humor drainage canals have a finite capacity for removing spilled pigments. When too much work or pigmentation is loaded onto canals in a short period of time, canal failure occurs. Also,this will have severe consequences for the health of the eyes. Inexperienced people performing eye color change procedures can cause glaucoma, iridocyclitis, cataracts, korneal damage, and iris atrophy!!!

Be cautious; cheap and ineffective laser methods can easily result in irreversible eye damage.

Conduct a basic investigation into fake doctors, eye color change surgery centers, businesses without an address, and businesses and phony clinics you have not heard of.

Risks of Eye Color Change Surgery and How To Change The Color Of Your Eyes ?

The risks of eye color change surgery are high when not performed by an experienced doctor. First and foremost, what are the dangers of changing your eye color? Let’s look at how safe it is to change your eye color? In short, as we’ll see in the sections that follow, this procedure comes with its own set of risks. Furthermore, not every doctor is qualified to perform eye color change surgery. So, if you want to change the color of your eyes, you must follow these instructions.

To begin with, the risks of eye color surgery occur after the procedure, particularly in dangerous environments. Second, clinics that attempt to change the color of one’s eyes without any prior experience. Thirdly,using an unsuitable laser and equipment for this process. Do your eyes change color? Of course, if the optimum conditions are provided and your DNA structure is suitable. If all conditions and experience are ideal, laser is safe.

So, Is Laser Eye Color Change Safe?

eye color change surgery risks dangers how to change
risks of eye color change surgery by laser eleminated with Mylumineyes

Glaucoma, iridocyclitis, cataracts, korneal damage, and iris atrophy are all conditions that affect the eyes. When we consider the changes in eye color caused by ”surgery”, the complications  become much more serious, including blindness and permanent vision loss. Thats why gold standard is ”laser eye color change”! Eye color changing procedures performed by unlicensed and inexperienced centers will almost certainly result in long-term eye problems and risks!

The good news is that, when performed by an experienced doctor, laser eye color change is extremely safe.

In addition, “Mylumineyes” now comes with double the safety. In short, changing the color of your eyes with a laser is extremely safe when done with mylumineyes. Only melanin pigments are targeted by the “8G Mylumineyes” Laser. It also has the advantage of not affecting normal tissues. Everyone’s level of safety will be adjusted as a result of this. Everything works perfectly, aside from Dr. Mustafa Mete’s experience.

Laser eye color change is extremely safe if you meet the requirements.

We can, however, avoid the risks of eye color change surgery by using a laser. Let’s look at some of the negative consequences of changing your eye color. As I have explained in other articles before, various side effects are possible. But you hardly experience these at Mylumineyes clinic.

What is Laser Eye Color Changing Surgery?

Laser eye color change procedure was successfully applied for the first time by Dr. Mustafa Mete. with eye color changing laser we eleminate melanin pigments and get a color eyes. For Laser eye color change surgery After a deep opthalmic examination, Dr.Mete will draw your eye map. Prior to the eye color change, you will have completed all of your checks. Each eye will receive one minute of painless laser treatment. After the laser process, your eye color will gradually change. This process is healthy only in safe hands. That’s why we care about your eye health.

Changing the color of eyes must be performed by a professional. We have over 15 years of experience in the industry.
This is because, as a result of these advancements, new lasers are now being manufactured. However, until now, no technology as successful as Mylumineyes had been developed.

We are working on ”new Eye color change” procedures. 

Definitely do not get ”eye color change surgery treatment” if you have the following conditions!

  • Diabetes mellitus patients who are uncontrolled
  • Patients with angular glaucoma, both closed and open (patients who have eye pressure)
  • People who have uveitis due to iridocyclitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis patients
  • Iris-deficient people are people who are born without an iris.
  • With different colored eyes (relatively)
  • People who suffer from an undiagnosed systemic disease
  • Individuals with high expectations
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or other systemic diseases
  • Patients with a psychosocial disorder
  • who take certain drugs that cause deposits in the retina or cornea.

Eye color change surgery is not possible for people who have at least one of the diseases listed above.

Why do People Want to Change their Eye Color?

Some people with brown eyes want to have green, hazel eye color or blue eyes. It is now possible for these people to achieve their dreams.

 What are the risks of changing your eye color?

Performing eye color changes other than Professional Eye Surgeons may cause complications that may result in blindness. For this reason, we recommend that you research your doctor well. To list some risks:



3-iris atrophy


5-cornea problems

6-permanent vision loss.


Procedure for Laser Eye Color Change

For the eye color change surgery with laser, Mylumineyes uses a state-of-the-art laser working at a specific wavelength specific to the melanin cells in the iris. In addition, we optimize the laser algorithm with parameters suitable for the eye health of the person. A separate map and program is applied to each patient. We can change eye color without risking eye health.. With our eye color change procedure, we transform even dark brown eyes into blue, green and gray eye colors.

Safe Eye Color Change Naturally
Before After Laser Eye Color Change Surgery


Conclusion & Aftercare Instructions for Laser Eye Change Procedures

We will write an instruction for you to get faster results and to protect your eye health. You can return to work from the 1st day after this procedure. It does not adversely affect your daily life. Mylumineyes laser eye color change operation. Our results are up to 99% successful. The most important difference between people is the time to get results and is the number of sessions.Unfortunately, there are a growing number of brokerage firms and fake doctors these days.They deal with different places and provide mediation services. Surprisingly, you can’t see the name of a doctor on their site. Even if you do, you will realize that there is no doctor with that name.

Your eyes are more valuable than gold. Change your eye color in safe!


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