Before After Laser Eye Color Change Surgery

Changing Eye color can be done in different ways. Laser Eye color change is with cost effective price advantageous Among these methods, only the process of changing eye color with a laser gives healthy and natural results. You will have permanently colored eyes with the laser procedure performed by an experienced eye surgeon. Apart from having an experienced eye surgeon, the type of laser used is also very important. The Mylumineyes laser selects the melanin pigments in the iris and targets only them. Mylumineyes laser energy-absorbing melanin cells undergo a chemical reaction. After this biological and chemical reaction, the defense mechanism in the body takes action.

Melanin cells naturally begin to be removed from the body. This is how the “Mylumineyes Laser eye color change procedure” performs the process using natural reactions in the body.  If you want to use a laser to change the color of your eyes, the two most important factors to consider are who your doctor is and how experienced he is.

before after laser eye color change surgery
eye color change surgery photo before and after-can eyes change color?

Why Should You Consider Changing Your Eye Color? Before after laser eye color change

We think that everyone has a colorful eye dream. Blue eyes, green eyes, and gray eye colors create confidence in many people. Changing eye color with Mylumineyes is a much healthier process than wearing colored contact lenses. In the long term, it is more economical than colored contact lenses. It does not require any surgical intervention. It is safe and has little to no side effects. The Mylumineyes laser is a non-invasive procedure. As a result of our studies, we did not find any long-term complications.

Want to know more about what can go wrong after eye color surgery?

Anybody who changes your eye color without professional help can make things a lot worse. It is safer than surgery on the eyes, but you still need a lot of knowledge to do it right.

Pre-laser examination is very important. Your ophthalmologist should carry out this examination down to the smallest detail. The features and selectivity of the laser are very important. The type of laser we use in our clinic has the most advanced technology. Our clinical experience in successfully applying this method for the first time in the world is very high. Complications that occur as a result of laser treatment on unsafe hands are as follows:

  1. Iridocyclitis

  1. Corneal damage

  1. Closed angle glaucoma

  1. Cataract

  1. Endothelial insufficiency

  1. permanent vision loss

The Top 10 Facts About Changing Your Eye Color

Everyone’s eye colors are different, and this is unique to our genes. Everyone has melanin in the iris of their eyes. The amount of melanin determines the eye color of the person. More melanin causes the iris to absorb more light, and the eye appears darker brown.

The iris is the colored part of the eye. It consists of two layers and contains enough melanin that the underside is brown. The top layer, or stroma, also contains melanin, but there are some differences here. It is this variance that results in different eye colors. Melanin is the chemical that determines skin, skin color, hair color, and eye color. Melanin is dark brown in color and becomes darker as its concentration increases. This is because, depending on its concentration, the ability of melanin to absorb light increases.

If your eyes are dark, it means that the melanin density is high

If a person has brown eyes, it is likely that there is an abundance of melanin in both the lower and upper layers of the iris. For people with lighter colored eyes, the upper layer (and sometimes the lower layer) contains significantly less or lighter colored melanin. Blue-eyed people have little or no melanin in the upper layer of their iris.

As a result, light absorption occurs in direct proportion to the amount of melanin. Light absorption is less in people with low melanin density. Therefore, more light can reflected. As a result, it causes the eye color to appear blue. Because of their rarity and good looks, we like blue, green, and other eye colors more than brown eyes. However, there is something to be aware of at this point. In fact, we can all have blue eyes or green eyes.

There are many diseases that cause eye color changes. Heterochromia means a color difference between the two eyes. Heterochromia can occur due to hundreds of diseases.

Does eye color change permanently, and how can you change your eye color?

  1. keratopigmentation

  1. Iris implant

  1. Mylumineyes laser eye color change

What are the advantages of choosing brown eyes over blue or green eyes?

  • People with brown eyes are less sensitive to age-related macular degeneration.

  • There is a reduced occurrence of type 1 diabetes.

What are the advantages of choosing blue or green eyes over brown eyes?

  • Depression risk is reduced.

  • Lower anxiety and restlessness

  • healthier sleep

  • Higher Confidence

permanent eye color change surgery
permanent eye color change surgery


Where does the eye color gene come from?

Shortly,eye color is inherited from the family. Some eye colors are common, while others are rare. The reason for this is that the gene that produces those eye colors is rare and not dominant.

The iris is a muscle that expands and contracts to control pupil size. The pupil enlarges in the dark and contracts in the brightness. Changes in pupil size either cause the iris to grow or shrink. As so, the eyes become different colors.

What influences the formation and selection of eye colors?

Fuchs disease, which causes a difference in eye color, causes cataracts and glaucoma. Also, Fuchs describes uveitis disease as the color difference of the iris over the years, as brown eyes turn green and green eyes turn blue.

Eye color can change with age as well. Eyes that are brown can become a combination of brown, green, and hazel.

What foods contain melanin pigment?

Melanin is substance that gives color to skin, hair and iris. Foods containing melanin include carrots, peppers, and yams.

What raises melanin levels?

The synthesis of melanin in our bodies is the main factor that enables us to tan. Therefore, foods that increase or accelerate the synthesis of melanin in the body also have a tanning effect. Foods rich in vitamin A and carotenes have the effect of increasing melanin synthesis in the body.

How to reduce melanin pigment?

By using a low-energy laser, we can reduce melanin pigmentation. In this way, the dark color decreases and the color of the eye changes. Easily, you can check our before after laser eye color change surgery photos.

Colored eyes need more protection because they’re more fragile than brown eyes.

Sun rays can cause permanent vision damage in people who do not wear sunglasses. Melanin pigment, which is less in light-colored eyes, is a building block that protects the body against ultraviolet light. The damaging solar rays therefore have a greater impact on light-colored eyes.

How to Maintain the Color of Your Eyes, Whether Brown or Blue, with These Simple Tips

As previously mentioned, always wear sunglasses.

How to Maintain the Color of Your Eyes, Whether Brown or Blue, with These Simple Tips

  1. As previously mentioned, always wear sunglasses.

  1. At first, maintain a safe distance from technological devices.

  1. As a result, if you have diabetes, do not neglect regular eye examinations.

  1. The use of lenses requires attention. Before using lenses, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. Do not neglect eye exams in your life.

  2. If you have any complaints, surely early diagnosis is very important!
