Laser eye color change before and after
Before changing eye color with laser or surgery, it is useful to look at before and after photos of the procedure to help people understand the possible results and control their expectations. Unfortunately, today’s internet is rife with inaccurate information.
For instance, Facebook or other sites increasingly show compensated and bogus material. People offering thoughts and suggestions abound there. Moreover, these people sometimes hide behind a Facebook group. Our advise to you is to avoid such dishonest venues. About half of these websites are phoney and loaded with fake comments.
Before starting any eye color-changing operation, be well educated about its possible negative effects, advantages, and reasonable expectations.

Comparative before and after photographs of laser eye color change surgery help patients to better understand what to expect.
See a qualified and experienced ophthalmologist for advise for optimum outcomes before deciding on anything final. Learn the truth about locating a trustworthy surgeon with a track record of successful surgeries. Unlike what most people think, reading reviews or consulting credible sources does not ensure a reliable decision.
Today, you can buy hundreds of fake reviews for a certain amount of money!
- Fake reviews and online staff are waiting in wait in dozens of places, especially on Facebook, to direct you to their clinics. and unfortunately, your eye health is deteriorating and you are being defrauded!
- As unquestionably the best and first clinic in laser eye color changing, we ethically never use such fake and misleading methods! Furthermore, we have yet to place a single advertisement!
- With the Mylumineyes eye color change surgery laser, you can achieve your dream eye color. This laser is unquestionably the best type of laser in the world at the moment. Mylumineyes is a safe, effective, and healthy method of permanently changing the color of your eyes. Surely, this procedure is non-invasive. Shortly it is non-surgical. Mylumineyes permanent eye color change procedure does not cause complications. It does not cause any change in eye numbers. In some cases, better vision has been reported.
- Mylumineyes laser has minimized the risks of eye color change surgery. You will see big differences before and after laser eye color change in a optimum time.
As with other methods, you will have a natural look and not a contact lens-like result with Lumineyes
It is definitely unique among laser eye color change surgery types. You will be very comfortable during the laser treatment. Lumineyes Treatment is just 2 minutes aand without any pain! Alaso it is the only proven procedure that can change your eye color naturally an safely.
The Complete Guide To Laser Eye Color Change And How It Works
Laser eye color change surgery is the process of transforming dark brown eyes into blue, green, gray, or hazel eye color by using a laser. In short, the laser only destroys the melanin cells. Thus, the dark layer is removed. The types of lasers used today are different. Therefore, laser changing eye color with mylumineyes is unique to this subject.
How Does The Process Of Laser Eye Color Change Actually Work?
This process takes about 2 minutes for both eyes. Finally, therapy completed within 5 or 7 days, depending on the degree of darkness of the eye color. This is the last point reached in the aesthetic eye color change process.
It is the best procedure we have developed for those who want to permanently change their brown eyes to blue, green, gray, or hazel.
What Are The Potential Risks Of Laser Eye Color Change?
As the eye color change process has become very popular today, many unauthorized and unqualified eye color change centers are trying to do this by using people as a test board. For this reason, we are now dealing with correcting many side effects and complications at Mylumineyes Center. Although the Mylumineyes method is very safe and professional, briefly, what are some of the side effects and complications that are common in places where there is not enough experience? In our study, mylumineyes proved to be safer among ordinary eye surgery types.
- iridocyclitis
- glaucoma
- corneal endothelial insufficiency
- iris anomalies
- cataract
- permanent vision loss
- synechia
Therefore, we advise you. Another key point, Eye color change surgery laser or operation centers with low prices, doctors and centers whose names are unknown in the medical community, unrealistic Facebook, Instagram, or social platform comments, unrealistic recommendations created with spam and fake accounts, and photo editing with Photoshop are all things we want to bring to your attention. The solution is actually very simple.
You should find answers to the following questions:
- Who is the doctor on the website or sharing page that provided this information?
- How long has he been dealing with this business?
- Is he a well-known doctor?
- Are there any health statements or scientific contributions from previous years?
- Can I entrust myself to a doctor whom I do not know and have no knowledge of?

Is There Anything To Worry About In Terms Of Long-Term Side Effects With This Procedure?
With 15 years of experience, we can tell you that MYLUMINEYES eye color change surgery laser has zero long-term side effects and complications! This is due to years of experience, mapping, ophthalmology knowledge, Doctor Mete’s abilities, surgical experience, and our knowledge of what to do. Today iris lightening procedures are expanding but none of them are “Lumineyes”!
The laser technology we use gives us confidence and allows us to do personalized treatments. Considering the price-performance ratio, when the eye color replacement fee is made with MYlumineyes, it is the most economical solution.
Please choose considering your chance of eye damage. As I have discussed, the changes in eye color brought by in unsuitable locations create major issues.
What is my iris color?
This subject might have several responses. What then? Because your eye color varies based on the lighting, pupil size, make-up, and even your psychological condition. What are the colour of my eyes? The most obvious answer is your color, which shows in the mirror in perfect circumstances and in ordinary daylight. When you stimulate your eyes with any outer source of light, the color of your eyes will change.
The amount of pigment in the iris, the colored region of the eye, influences overall eye color. A tiny percentage of people may have age-related changes in their eye color. Brown eyes have more pigment than lighter eyes. This quantity of brown pigment in the eyes determines the color of the eyes.
In summary, if you are wondering; what is my eye color?, you can realistically understand what your eye color is by choosing your clothes and make-up carefully, even under optimum light conditions.
What Are The Best Lasers For Changing The Color Of Your Eyes, And Do They Work?
- As far as we can see, very different types of laser devices are used in eye color changing processes. As a result, it is necessary to be sure about the reliability of the laser in this types of eye surgery.
- Those that cause burns with thermal effects, those that create an explosion effect, those that emit long-dwelling heat, those that emit short-stroke heat, etc.
- As I have said, Mylumineyes eye color changing center uses the best, iris selective, short pulse, low thermal effect, intrinsically safe, sensitive, different wavelength, state-of-the-art, very special laser.
- We have extensive experience with types of eye surgery.
Laser eye color change surgery before and after results must be real!
Unfortunately, another problem is that before and after laser eye color change photos are shown as if the eye color has changed by using Photoshop or similar applications. We publish our photos instantly and without editing. We recommend that you be careful about this.