Lumineyes laser is the best procedure

Lumineyes laser is the best procedure

We have already told you that the ideal, if not the only safe and natural method to change eye color is the “laser eye color change process”. MY Lumineyes method has proven its reliability and high efficiency for about 13 years. Lumineyes laser Xtra, which was developed after 1.5 years of testing, broke this record. “Mylumineyes Xtra” has a high success rate among patients undergoing laser eye color surgery and produces exceptional outcomes for light and medium-dark brown eyes. As stated before, “Mylumineyes Xtra” allows for the healthy changing of eye color. 

Mylumineyes Xtra’s laser is more powerful and gentler on the tissues. In addition, the duration of therapy has been reduced. Thanks to the new Lumineyes Laser Xtra, we were able to abbreviate the eye color change treatments that we began throughout the world 10 days ago.

Mylumineyes Xtra is more than “lumineyes laser”

As a result, we keep you away from work and protect your eyes from undergoing intense laser treatment. The “Mylumineyes Xtra” method has less side effects than the prior edition of the Lumineyes eye color change technology, which had 1% unfavorable effects. This provides us tremendous happiness and prosperity.

lumineyes xtra laser eye color change
Lumineyes laser xtra laser eye color change surgery

If we briefly summarize the differences and advantages between My lumineyes laser and My lumineyes Xtra,

  1. Mylumineyes XTRA has more successful results. %99
  2. You do not need 10 days like before; 5-7 days is enough for “Lumineyes Xtra”,going back to work shorter!
  3. Mylumineyes XTRA applies laser treatment according to the map of the iris, just like the wavefront in lasik.
  4. Reviews of laser eye color change by Xtra is more satisfied.
  5. Mylumineyes XTRA uses new upgrade software.
  6. Mylumineyes XTRA is safe eye color change surgery for medium-brown and dark-brown eyes.
  7. Mylumineyes XTRA gives faster results.
  8. It is more economical as the need for session amount will decrease in the long term.
  9. Mylumineyes XTRA, color selection is possible in some cases.
  10. Mylumineyes XTRA gives results in light brown eyes at a tremendous speed.
  11. Mylumineyes XTRA provides safer treatment with fewer laser shots by shortening the treatment time in all colored eyes.
  12. Mylumineyes Xtra provides %50 discount for extra sessions thats why total cost of it is more cheaper.

Eye color change surgery is fraught with danger if not done by a skilled surgeon.

What are the primary risks associated with altering your eye color? Change the safety of changing your eye color. As we will see in the parts that follow, this technique has its own set of hazards. Additionally, not all physicians are certified to undertake eye color change surgery. Consequently, if you like to change the color of your eyes, you must adhere to the following guidelines.

Firstly, “eye color change surgery” concerns arise following the operation, especially in hazardous circumstances. Secondly,it is important that many clinics attempt to alter an individual’s eye color without prior knowledge. Thirdly, employing an inappropriate laser and equipment for this procedure. What is laser eye color change, and does it really work? Indeed, it is possible, provided that the ideal conditions exist and your DNA structure is suitable.

We have already provided you with the essential factors to be taken into account during the laser eye color change surgical procedure.

This Lumineyes laser therapy is the most sophisticated and effective method available for altering the color of your eyes. Undoubtedly, the 8G Lumineyes laser, used for the procedure of altering eye color, is now at the forefront of technological advancements. This method utilizes the unique anatomical structure of the individual’s eye.

lumineyes laser xtra can change your eye color
lumineyes xtra laser eye color change surgery best

When all of the elements are considered, the Lumineyes 8G laser type is the one that gives the highest level of effectiveness and security.

We are thrilled to propel the Mylumineyes revolution forward with the introduction of Mylumineyes XTRA. Lumineyes Xtra’s reduced treatment duration, as noted by Dr. Mustafa Mete, the inventor of laser eye color change surgery, further mitigates the potential for iris atrophy and harm.

In addition, Dr. Mustafa Mete noted that the software we used in Lumineyes Laser XTRA achieved very high-quality results for healthy and colorful eyes. Dr.Mustafa Mete said that in My Lumineyes Xtra, they can now better detect the iris regions that do not respond to the laser, thus preventing the use of unnecessary lasers and making the shots needed for successful results. 

This method also provides a great advantage in cases that did not get results after laser eye color change before. 

Stating that this technology has not been produced in the world yet, Dr. Mete states that laser eye color change is much healthier and safer thanks to this new method.

The duration of treatment was reduced to 5-7 days.Only with Lumineyes Xtra are all your sessions after the first therapy 50% off (not valid for standard lumineyes).More laser shots can be fired, both increasing the effectiveness and speeding up the result. Unlike standard Lumineyes laser, Lumineyes Xtra Laser works with different software and mapping.


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