Koronavirus and MyLumineyes laser eye color change operation

Koronavirus and MyLumineyes laser eye color change operation

Well! Now Turkey is one the safest country about COVİD19 disease. You can see the statics that Turkey beaten the virus with his experienced health system. İn june we will start mylumineyes laser eye color change operations. We replied hundreds of mails about our opening date for laser eye color change process in istanbul, and from 10 june MyLumineyes ® Clinic will open. Please contact with us for booking your appointments for the best laser eye color change operation in world abd in Turkey.

Health tourism and the spread of the coronavirus

Within eight months, COVID-19 (also known as the Coronavirus), an undetectable, microscopic monster, has murdered about 600,000 people and reverberated throughout the world. As it affects every sector, it has also had a negative impact on the Turkish health tourism industry, which we’ve heard a lot about in recent years.

Turkey’s tourism industry relies heavily on the lucrative field of health tourism. I’m going to tell you about a sector in our country that has been growing steadily since 2010, but then slowed down due to the events in Syria and the epidemic.

There are many people who travel from their home country to a foreign country in order to receive medical treatment.

There are three main types of health tourism.


Aesthetic and opthalmology, IVF, and dialysis treatments are examples of medical tourism (Medical Tourism).

Thermic vacations

Elderly and Non-Disabled Third Age Tourism

Every government has an interest in the sector prior to the virus because it adds tremendous value not only in Turkey but around the world.. Statistics show that health tourism’s market share is 500 billion dollars higher than that of general tourism, which accounted for 3.5 trillion dollars. More money was made in this newly established sector than in any other type of tourism. This is the reason why 3–4 percent of the global population travels annually. At a rate of 25% every year, we’re talking about an industry. In order to obtain a piece of this pie, nations with limited economies have reorganized their national policy. By offering health tourism as a source of economic development with a reasonable price guarantee, these nations began to acquire a substantial market share. Specifically, East and South Asia (India, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, and Thailand) and South America (Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, and Mexico) have flourished in this region.

By establishing the required legislation and incentives, we became one of the first nations to recognize the significance of health tourism. From 2010 to 2016, we advanced into the top ten. As a goal for2023, the government set a target of 2 million health tourists and $20 billion in revenue, which was included into the government program. As in the tourist industry, health institutions and organizations and health tourism companies began to compete on the basis of price rather than quality, which led to a decline in the amount of foreign currency entering the country.

Unfortunately, the occupation of Syria with all sorts of games and the war that spread to the northern half of Iraq as a result of this occupation transformed this unique geography, which is the largest source of patients in our country, from a health tourism basin to a mass refugee source, which is extremely unfortunate in the field of national health. It has turned our accounts and sectoral balances upside down by inverting our revenue and cost balances.


Due to this war that occurred in close proximity to us, our country has begun to be mentioned in war geography, conflicts have emerged in the perspective of patients on the European market, another source of our patients, on the grounds of security, and the number of health tourists from Europe has also decreased.


Health tourism is a form of service acquisition initiated by the patient. The patient desires assurance in two key aspects of this service procurement, namely that he will be responsible for his own fees and travel-related challenges. The first is the quality of health care to be provided, and the second is the protection of life and property.

Then, eight months ago, when the coronavirus epidemic broke out in December 2019 and countries blocked their borders, health tourism ground to a halt.

When we look back, the achievements of our country, which adorned the first ten years of the last fifteen years with its efforts and successes to become a star in service quality, have vanished one by one due to the cyclical manipulations of foreign focus in the remaining five years and the gradual loss of our image as a safe country due to the government’s failure to take timely action. Despite this, our country’s performance in combating the epidemic has demonstrated that our hospitals and healthcare community are among the best in the world, despite the fact that some countries claim Turkey’s numbers are low.

Consequently, my personal view and hope is that the virus does not intend to harm the host it will live on, i.e. the infected individual. When he causes his own demise, he perishes as well. Because of this, I believe it will change into a form that can coexist with humans.

In light of the fact that health tourists abroad have passed the examinations administered by our health institutions before to the crisis, I am hopeful that demand will increase after the crisis.

Stay safe with the expectation that our health tourism agencies, health institutions and organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dealing with health tourism will experience an upward trend in health tourism, similar to that of tourism, as a result of promotion and lobbying efforts abroad.Opthalmology


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